This page is always under construction and will only contain information in English...

"Blå", which is translated "Blue", is a music club runned at the pub Bongo Bar in the little town of Jönköping, Sweden. We mostly work in themes where we choose a different artist, genre or topic for each event. Thanks to the record store "Klasses skivor och tidningar" (translated Klasses records and magazines) there is always the opportunity to buy a record from some of tha artists that are played during each event. Both Bongo Bar and Klasses records and tapes is located in a street named "Match Alley" in Jönköping. The name comes from the city's history of being a big producer of matches.

Currently, the people behind Blå is Leo Eriksson and Andreas Jangmo. Wether these two will continue with Blå is an, at the moment, unanswerable question... We're kind of moving out of town...

Wednesday May 30th
19:00 - 02:00
This will be the last of the sessions from club Blå at Bongo Bar as we know it! This evening we will be exploring the Roskilde Festival in Denmark ( Expect a muiscal odyssey from pop, rock, electronic to very very strange things! During the evening a lottery will be held where you can win music and Roskilde merchandise.

Andreas Jangmo

Bongo Bar